Short Blog this week folks. Those of you that know me know that I had Plans to go see the Yankees Practice this weekend. Well thanks to the DAMN FLU!!!!! I was not able to. Nope, what I got to do was Yack out a lung and sleep for 48 hours and generally feels like crapola. Fun Times I tell ya. Lucky for me, my wife is a Loving and Understanding woman and knowing that our two boys are HUGE Yankees fans like their dad packed everybody up in the Family Truckster (Minus Good Ole Dad) and went to go see the Yankees. They had a great time but were unable to get autographs as the Fans were a bit much for her to handle with the two boys by herself. Oh Yeah did I forget to tell you she is pregnant and almost got knocked over by a Fan trying to get Rivera’s Autograph. I don’t blame her but had I been there I would have grabbed the balls and pen while she wrangled in the younglings and stepped over, through and generally around anybody to get those autographs (When it comes to the team, I’m the Crazy Fan and she is the level headed one). Any who with out me there she decided to favor safety and kept her distance but managed to snap a few pictures. One of them is the one above with Alex and his 2 year old daughter (I believe she is two). Apparently Mom and the Kido were present today and sat behind home plate for as good part of the practice watching Daddy-Rod hit a few balls a mile and play some catch with Uncle Jeter among other people. (Come on you know the kid calls him uncle if anything to drive him nuts) Anyway it was rather sweet how the picture came out (Well that is how my wife tells it). Apparently Mom and Kido were waiting behind home plate when Alex came into the kid’s line of sight. The little tike Yells “Daddy!!” and jumps out of mom’s arms and runs toward the field. Luckily the netting dividing the field from the bleachers prevented her form climbing on to the field. A-Rod spoke to her and touching her little fingers through the net. As a parent I can tell you the reaction is always the same and makes you feel like a million bucks (In A-rods case possibly a few more J ) According to my wife it was very touching but the photographer were right up there with him. Now many will call this a Photo Op A-Rod trying to improve his image etc. I say LAY OFF THE MAN!!! My wife brings my kids to see me at work and the kids want to see what I do. He obviously loves that little girl and she apparently LOVES her father. He is a parent trying to include his daughter in his life. The Reason I say this is because I just want to see the Spin the Media puts on this. I know it’s likely to piss me off. Leave the guy alone this season let him play baseball.

Well thats my two cents......
Who wants there change?????